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About Me

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I am 56 year old mother of three grown up children and I am determined to make my Menopause years full of FUN.  And so far I'm doing a pretty good job!

I live in Lewes in East Sussex in the UK with my Partner, Andy, and our dog, Belle.  And part of the year we spend sailing in the Med.

I have taught fitness all my adult life.  I was an aerobics instructor in my twenties when leg warmers and thongs were all the rage.  I then added post and ante-natal workouts to my repertoire, plus preschool fitness and could often be found teaching a class with a baby on my hip or a toddler round my feet

I then trained as a Pilates Instructor and more recently became a Pelvic Floor Coach with the accredited Adore Your Pelvic Floor and a Menopause Coach with Burrell Education.

During the Pandemic my Pilates clients followed me onto Zoom and I have never looked back.

I realised online was the way to go so I looked for a way to tie my knowledge together and support as many women as possible on their journey through menopause.

This is when I became a Wellness Partner with a fabulous online fitness and nutrition platform, put together by top international fitness coaches and health professionals.  

The best thing about it is that I get to do these classes and I am at my fittest and healthiest I have been for years. 

My menopause tummy is a thing of the past, my muscles are toned, my bones are strong and my energy is lifted.

My job now is to inspire and support others to do the same!

Every day I hear from women who are feeling horrible menopause symptoms.  Their confidence and self esteem is at an all time low and they are looking for a magic pill to help them.

I don't have a pill, but I do have the most incredible simple system for them to follow and I am loving watching their journeys to a happiness.

I still teach my Pilates classes on Zoom, to a predominantly older age group, plus I run regular pelvic floor in Menopause Workshops.

I used to put up with leaks and since training as a Pelvic Floor Coach, I have totally reversed those symptoms.  So I know it is possible and I want to help other women do the same.

So that's me.  Tell me about you!!

About Me: About
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